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Dorm safety inspection for new semester

March 11, 2024  Click:[]

To implement the requirements of the school and the university for student management and safety work, prevent and resolve safety risks in student dormitories, and ensure the smooth operation of international student dormitories in the new semester, the School of International Education conducted a safety check on more than 200 dormitories in Building 1 and Building 2 of Boliu Apartments on March 7, identifying dormitory safety hazards, carrying out dormitory safety education, and correcting safety risks. This guaranteed a safe and civilized environment for students living and studying on campus.

At 2:00 p.m., all counselors of the Student Affairs Office of the School of International Education strictly carried out the inspections following the Dalian University of Technology International Student Accommodation Management Regulations. The focus of this safety check is on the use of electricity in dormitories, inspecting whether there are phenomena such as the use of high-power electrical appliances, storage of flammable and explosive materials, unauthorized wiring and plugging, and the use of prohibited heating appliances.

In response to some safety hazards discovered during the inspection, the counselor guided students on-site to make immediate improvements and provided safety education to relevant students, emphasizing the importance of dormitory safety. In response to high-risk fire and electricity hazards and common violations of electricity use in dormitories, the school referred to the security reminders of the security department and created bilingual WeChat notifications, which are publicly promoted and released to all international students.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, together with seven other departments jointly issued "the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of University Student Dormitories". This safety inspection of student dormitories is a specific measure taken by the School of International Education to implement the "Guiding Opinions" on strengthening dormitory management and service, further eliminating safety hazards, and enhancing student safety awareness. The School will continuously improve the level of safety management, guide international students to adapt to their study and life in China, and firmly adhere to the safety objective of our university.

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