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Turning Practice into Reality, Embarking on Dreams: A Chronicle of the 2023 "Enlightening Classroom" International Chinese Education Graduate Practical Activities"

January 4, 2024  Click:[]

As a professional degree, practical skill development holds paramount importance in the talent cultivation efforts of the International Chinese Education Master's program. To meet the evolving demands of the international Chinese education field and facilitate cross-cultural student exchanges, the program introduced the "Enlightening Classroom" teaching and practical brand initiative starting from the fall semester of 2023. Under the guidance of the International Chinese Education Master's Graduate Education Practice Center, this initiative aimed to enrich the platform for graduate professional teaching practices, encourage graduates to participate in international student classrooms, and equip them with the ability to apply their acquired knowledge to solve real-world teaching challenges.

In the current semester, "Enlightening Classroom" organized four sessions of Chinese cultural experiential teaching salons, aligning the needs of the International Chinese Education program's master's students with those of our international students. These sessions enabled graduate students to spread and inherit the essence of Chinese outstanding traditional culture in their teaching practices, allowing international students to experience and understand Chinese culture in a practical context.

Flowers in Full Bloom, Moonlight Full on Mid-Autumn.

In celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival, the "Enlightening Classroom" team collaborated with the Student Affairs Office of the SIE on September 27 to launch the first session. Speakers Liu Hui and Zhang Xian, through bilingual presentations, introduced international students to the origin and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival and engaged them in mooncake making. The second part, led by Zeng Yufen and Yu Cong, explored the origin, historical development, and cultural significance of traditional lanterns. During the lantern-making session, students learned paper-cutting from skilled craftsmen, decorating their lanterns and gaining a deeper understanding of the cultural significance within Chinese traditional lanterns.

Precision and Elegance: Bringing Paper to Life

The second session of " Enlightening Classroom Classroom" unfolded on November 17, leveraging the cultural elective course offered by the Language Training Center of SIE. The focus of this session was the rich tradition of Chinese paper cutting.Presenter Zhang Shuting commenced the class by providing an overview of the history, types, applications, meanings, and styles of Chinese paper cutting. Students were then guided to try their hand at cutting out characters representing "Spring" and "Good Fortune." Another speaker for the session, Liu Yujie, delved into the traditional art of window flower paper cutting in China. She highlighted regional characteristics of window flower paper cutting and the embedded cultural significance. Following the presentation, students were led in creating beautiful circular paper-cut designs.The participants actively engaged in the session, sharing their experiences and showcasing their paper-cutting creations. Through practical experience, the students gained a profound appreciation for the artistry and symbolism embedded in Chinese paper cutting, enriching their understanding of this traditional Chinese craft. The session not only facilitated hands-on learning but also fostered a deeper connection to the cultural heritage encapsulated within the delicate strokes of Chinese paper cutting.

Vivid Masks, Colorful Legends

On November 24, the third session focused on Peking Opera Facial Masks. Presenters Liu Wenlu and Zhu Mingwan enlightened international students about the origin, classification, characteristics, and methods of drawing facial masks. Through this immersive experience, students gained insights into various roles in Peking Opera, the history of facial masks, and the cultural significance behind them.

A Thousand Knots, Countless Meanings

On December 1, the fourth session of "Enlightening Classroom" centered around the theme of Chinese Knots. Presenters Li Yuhuan and Zhang Jiayun introduced international students to the origin, types, and meanings of Chinese knots. In the practical session of Chinese knot-making, each student, guided by the teachers, crafted exquisite Chinese knots. This session heightened international students' interest in traditional Chinese culture, allowing them to experience the aesthetic significance of Chinese knots and understand their auspicious meanings.

The "Enlightening Classroom" series represents a new practice for the SIE in the cultivation of practical skills for master's students in the International Chinese Education program. It is also an exploration of our commitment to "telling Chinese stories, spreading Chinese culture, and interpreting Chinese characteristics." SIE has always attached great importance to the cultivation of practical skills for master's students in this program, establishing a progressive education practice system and achieving remarkable results in various national competitions. In the future, SIE will continue to leverage our comprehensive education system for international students and our high-quality education and teaching platform, strengthening exchanges between Chinese and foreign students. This ongoing effort aims to further enhance the practical teaching abilities of master's students in the International Chinese Education program and their ability to promote Chinese culture, in alignment with the crucial development strategy of mutual learning and exchange of civilizations and our university's internationalization efforts.

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